PUBG MOBILE introduces new Gameplay Management for Middle East

PUBG MOBILE announced that is working to support a sustainable digital lifestyle by launching a new ‘Gameplay Management’ system to encourage players in the Middle East to enjoy a balanced PUBG MOBILE experience.

The system will be piloted across the UAE, Kuwait, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Iraq and Qatar, before being rolled out across the entire region, PUBG MOBILE will continue to assess players’ needs to adjust and enhance Gameplay Management as required.

The Gameplay Management is a system of reminders and checks for players to ensure that they enjoy the game in a sustainable and balanced manner. It empowers the gamers to take control of their digital lifestyle while playing the game online.

All players will need to confirm their age to activate the Gameplay Management when they login for the first time, with players under the age of 18 having to acknowledge a gaming advisory before they can start the game.

The company said, as part of its commitment to encouraging sustainable digital lifestyle, PUBG MOBILE has created a notification system for younger players to help them better monitor and manage their time spent playing the game. If accumulated gameplay is between 4-6 hours, players under the age of 18 will be notified of total time spent on the game. If gameplay exceeds six hours, the system will temporarily suspend access, encouraging players to take 15-minute breaks every two hours before resuming the game.

Several of the local players from the region have up-lauded the move and further explaining about the new changes in the gameplay, the Director of PUBG MOBILE Operation Team in Middle East and North Africa region, Herman Zhao said, “We want to ensure that players enjoy the game in a balanced manner. The Gameplay Management will help players of all ages, but particularly younger players, make informed choices in managing their time spent playing the game. We are committed to doing all we can to support our PUBG MOBILE fan community in the Middle East as we meet our commitment to continue to provide a positive interactive entertainment experience”,

The system will be introduced to other international markets in the coming months, making PUBG MOBILE one of the first interactive entertainment providers to deploy a gameplay management system on a global basis.

PUBG MOBILE’s openness to engaging with local players, parents, and e-sport communities to further enhance the Gameplay Management is testament to the fact that it is devoted to providing a better gaming environment and user experience.