Magical Action Roguelite RPG, Dandy Ace available from March 25th on Steam

Neowiz announced that Dandy Ace is launching for PC via Steam on March 25th, 2021. Part Action RPG and part Roguelite, Dandy Ace’s core mechanic is in its extremely flexible skill system. Based on the magic cards that Ace has up his sleeve, the combination and powers of the skills can change depending on the equipped order. Each time Ace journeys into the Cursed Mirror, trapped there by the evil Green-Eyed Magician Lele, the player has a different selection to choose from, enabling countless possibilities for different builds and playstyles.

Dandy Ace is a game that looks charming and inviting, but you soon find out just how far the rabbit hole goes once you start playing.” said Don Hudson, Product Manager at Neowiz. “Mad Mimic’s made a blend of Action RPG and Roguelite that’s both addictive and stylish, with countless ways to play through its myriad winding levels. We cannot wait for players to get their hands on the final product”

Dandy Ace has been a labor of love from the start.” said Luis Sampaio, COO of Mad Mimic. “We’re thrilled to be finally showing off every trick Ace has up his sleeve this March, and we’ll be revealing plans for DLC in the near future!”

Interested players can wishlist the game and try the demo available on SteamDandy Ace will be launching first on Steam, but will also be headed to PlayStation, Xbox, and Nintendo Switch later this year.


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