Dell Ready to Game in Middle East

Dell Ready to Game in Middle East

Dell today unveiled its own gaming online hub titled ‘Ready to Game ME,’ as the company claims to provide the ultimate gaming experience for everyone. With PC gaming’s explosion in popularity driving cut throat innovation and competition, Ready to Game ME is designed as a gaming community to engage with players and fans across the Middle East region. Users can access this online hub from anywhere and at anytime to find the latest news on gaming technology and titles as well as exchange information on gaming events from across the world.

The gaming industry has changed at such an exponential rate over the years. Once a niche hobby, explored primarily by teenage boys and serviced by a handful of companies, the gaming market is expected to grow at a 6% compounded annual growth rate globally through 2019 as per a new research commissioned by Dell.

Haidi Nossair

Keeping this in mind and as a leader in the gaming industry for more than 20 years with the Alienware brand, Dell has leveraged its expertise in this sector to develop Ready to Game ME. This campaign reflects its commitment to increase investments, and offerings to gamers – which is central to Dell’s ambitious vision to be the first to bring customer-centric technology to its fan community and take innovation risks that ultimately result in market-leading products.

“We pride ourselves on consistently introducing new advancements and bringing the latest innovation in gaming to our users,” said Haidi Nossair, Marketing Director, Middle East, Turkey and Africa at Dell EMC. “Community has been an important focal point for us and we’ve carried that through to today. Since esports in the region remains largely untapped and is relatively in its infancy in comparison to mainstream sports, we aim to bridge this gap and raise the bar with Ready to Game ME. We have designed Ready to Game ME as a resourceful program for gamers. The programs, information and features offered by this hub aim at engaging Middle East regional gamers with information on activities in the industry happening on a global scale, thus, facilitating the growth and transformation of the thriving gaming and esports community in the Middle East.”

Taking the engagement level one step further, Dell also announced the Battle of Cafes DOTA 2 Middle East Gaming Championship. Facilitated by Ready to Game ME, this championship will witness regional gaming teams battle it out on the DOTA 2 discipline in LAN format for the title and a prize pool of $10,000. To participate all interested gaming teams can visit Ready to Game ME to register.

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