New features for Osiris: New Dawn 1.0 version to be revealed at TwitchCon

New features for Osiris: New Dawn 1.0 version to be revealed at TwitchCon

Independent game developer Fenix Fire Entertainment and Reverb Triple XP announced the unveiling of new major features for the Version 1.0 launch of Osiris: New Dawn will be demonstrated at TwitchCon 2018. From the intense playable intro sequence, re-tuned combat/grapple system, space walking mechanics, and greatly expanded narrative experience, gamers and sci-fi fans will experience the new thrills and terrors of colonizing alien worlds in the unforgiving dangers of space.

The Osiris: New Dawn booth is located at booth#1532 in the San Jose Convention Center during TwitchCon 2018 from October 26 – 28.

The Osiris: New Dawn mission begins in 2046 A.D. after mankind’s revolutionary discovery of near-lightspeed “fold engine” propulsion abilities. This has landed the Osiris expeditionary mission team in the Gliese 581 system 20 light years away. As part of the second colonization team sent by the U.N.E. (United Nations of Earth) to study planets for potential Earth re-population, the spacecraft malfunctions forcing an emergency landing on the planet’s surface. Players must overcome the dangers of unpredictable weather conditions by building a central base, expanding the structure further with modular units to grow food, creating research centers, manufacturing bays and uncovering the dark events behind the missing Osiris-1 team, threatening Project Osiris.

Osiris: New Dawn is now available for price of $24.99 on Steam.

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